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Sunday, April 29, 2012

- Nasi Tumpeng Komplit -

Melbourne euy...
We had a great time with our beloved friends last night… We shared happiness together… We celebrated our happy moments together… Evita’s 'n my b’day, Girry-Ebin’s 3rd anniversary 'n our 4th anniversary and my beloved hubby got 2nd permanent job…
And the last but not least... My dad's b'day n 14th anniversary of my parent wedding...
الحمد لله ... we always be thankful for what we have and get…  {J{J{J{J{

Tumpeng is a cone-shaped rice dish like mountain with its side dishes (vegetables and meat). Traditionally featured in the selamatan ceremony, the cone shape of rice is made by using cone-shaped weaved bamboo container. The rice itself could be plain steam rice, uduk rice (cooked with coconut milk), or yellow rice (uduk rice colored with kunyit-tumeric).

Saturday, April 28, 2012

- Urap-urap -

- Telur Dadar Roll -

- Telur Bumbu Bali -

- Tahu Tempe Bacem -

- Sambal Goreng Ati Kentang -

- Perkedel Kentang -

- Kering Tempe -

- Ayam Goreng Laos -

- Resep Nasi Kuning -

g  Nasi Kuning Tumpeng  h

Bahan :

1 kg beras putih
200 gr beras ketan
1500 ml santan
1 sdm kunyit halus
2 sdm garam
4 lbr daun salam
2 lbr daun pandan
2 btg sereh
1 sdm air jeruk nipis.

Cara Membuat :

{ Campur 200gr beras ketan untuk setiap 1kg beras supaya nasi tumpeng pulen & mudah dibentuk.
Rendam campuran beras selama 8-10jam agar cepat matang & hasilnya bagus, kemudian kukus selama ½ jam hingga setengah matang.
{ Sementara itu campur kunyit dan santan, saring, buang ampas kunyit. Masak bersama daun salam, pandan dan sereh. Tambahkan garam. Masak terus hingga mendidih. Matikan api. Tambahkan 1sdm air jeruk.
{ Masukkan beras yg masih panas kedalam santan, aduk rata. Biarkan hingga santan terserap habis dan beras menjadi aron.
Agar permukaan tumpeng licin & tidak berbulu, setelah santan terserap habis jangan diaduk-aduk lagi.
{ Kukus beras aron selama 20 menit, angkat. Cetak dalam cetakan tumpeng, yang ujung lancipnya sudah dialas daun pisang.

Monday, April 16, 2012

- Cakwe -

Cakwe is a traditional food originally from China. Cakwe known as snacks are sold alongside the roads. For me, the way of making cakwe is a little bit tricky.