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Tuesday, July 10, 2012

- Lontong Balap -

Hi peeps... craving these food over a month ago... browsed the net, found the recipes... I tried it with adding this 'n that according my taste,  ... voooaalaaaa... I've made it... It's not same like the originally that I use to eat but it's ok laaaahhh for beginner...

Some says, Lontong Balap is the original food of Surabaya, besides Semanggi Suroboyo, and Rujak Cingur. I bet you are laughing when you read the name of this food. Literally, lontong is translated as rice cake and balap means racing. The name of this dish was obtained because of the antiquity of the vendors. They used to sell by walking and carrying “pikulan” on their shoulder. Pikulan consists two woven baskets that are attached by one sturdy stick. Due to the heavinessof bearing the weight, they seemed like in a rush and run fast like a race. 

Lontong Balap consists rice cakes, fried tofu, lentho made of cassava with black eye peas fritters ( in Surabaya called Kacang Tholo) and generous bean sprouts then doused with prawn chili paste (Sambal Petis).Though, many vendors use a cart and no more pain on their shoulder nowdays, this dish is still called Lontong Balap. To accompany this food, people usually add clam/shellfish satay and refresh with young coconut ice afterward. 

Isian Lontong Balap « Lontong Balap consists »:
        { Lontong  « Rice Cake » click here
{ Tahu Goreng  « Fried Tofu » 
{ Tauge, direbus sebentar  « Bean Sprouts, briefly soak in hot water » 
{ Lentho  « Cassava with black eye peas fritters » click here
{ Sate Kerang  « Shellfish Satay » click here
        { Sambal Petis  « Prawn Chili Paste » click here

Kuah Lontong Balap « Lontong Balap’s Soup »:
       1,5 liter air « water »
2 bh tulang sapi « 2 pcs beef bone »
2 sdt merica « 2 tsp pepper »
3 siung bawang putih, memarkan « 3 gloves garlic, bruised »
2 cm jahe, memarkan « 2cm ginger, bruised »
1 sdm garam « 1 tbsp salt »

Cara membuat
« Methods »:
{  Rebus tulang kaldu dengan 1,5 liter air « Boiled the beef bones ‘n take the broth ».
{  Masukan bawang putih, jahe, merica dan garam « Add garlic, ginger, pepper ‘n salt ».

Penyajian « Presentation »:
Tata diatas piring atau mangkuk potongan lontong, tahu goreng, lentho dan tauge. Tuangkan kuah lontong, beri sambal petis dan taburi dengan bawang goreng. Sajikan bersama dengan sate kerang.
Arrange in a bowl pieces of rice cake, fried tofu, cassava fritters and bean sprouts on the top. Then pour the soup over it, add chili paste and sprinkle fried shallot. Serve with Shellfish Satay…

… Have a go and   
 Bon Appétit…{J{J{J{J{

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